Mischa Barton, Already a Hollywood Bitch

Mischa, Mischa, Mischa. You came onto the scene so gracefully, almost princess-like. Cute, girl next door looks with an innocence about you. But now? You have swiftly & eagerly morphed into the molded Hollywood bitch, which you are now complaining about having the misfortune of being.

Mischa as quoted by Britian's Cosmopolitan, "It kind of irritates me that I'm seen as this pretty face. People also say I'm too thin. The truth is, pretty people aren't as accepted as other people. It comes with all these stigmas. It's like, 'She's pretty and thin, so she's got to have problems. She must be anorexic or depressed or bitchy.' It doesn't help that my OC character is the pretty girl next door who looks like she has everything, but is totally fucked up."

You're right it doesn't!