Yeah, Yeah.. Baby Federline is 'In The Making'

Now the question is how fugly the bastard will be.
Do you think that this will start a whole new trend with Hollywood's young women? Britney Spears and her baby could possibly be the new 'Paris & Tinkerbell'.
Babies as accessories. Don't laugh, who would have thought the day would come when people would actually DRESS their pets? At least you are supposed to clothe your child.
Besides all that, I wonder if Britney has stopped smoking dubes & cigarettes? (As much as we love our dubage, we hope the answer is YES.)

Britney & Kevin's future child
As for her figure, ya think she will be able to keep it? I'd put my money on her losing herself in pies, fried shit and anything that she can get her paws on by the time she squirts the kid out. Can you say Kirstie Alley? I just have a gut feeling about this one.