Anna Nicole Smith Really is Pregnant

Whoa Nellie.

The pill-popping drinking slurring out-of-control truly stupid blonde is with child. Frightening isn't it. She was lucky with her son Daniel who seems to be a normal sweet kid compared to his freaky mother who is usually in a stupor of some kind. Will she actually be able to stay sober for 9 months? According to TMZ the supposed father says he has seen the ultrasound. He also says that Anna's pussywhipped 'lawyer' (or bitch) Howard K. Stern has been trying to keep the pregnancy under wraps until figuring out a way to make some money off of the announcement. Just when you thought the skank couldn't sink any lower. Marrying an ancient geezer for his fortune wasn't enough..bitch needs MORE money. A baby must've sounded like a great publicity opportunity. It's all she can pull out of the hat at this point. She's done everything else for publicity, why not this?

Oh, and by the way...

Bitch is gonna get FAT!