Paula Abdul and Publicist End Relationship on Sour Note

Paula Abdul recently told a group of publicists during a conference call that she had been treated unfairly by her publicist, Howard Bragman.

According to the New York Post, Bragman mysteriously stopped working for Abdul earlier this month.

Paula told the group, "I've never been treated this way and I've never seen anybody treated this way. This is just too much to stomach. All I've ever wanted in my life is to be treated fairly and be treated with kindness. The people who are supposed to take care of these things do not. I have to clean up after them everywhere they go. And I'm tired of it."

Paula also said that her former publicist called her a "whining bitch".

"I don't understand how this man can call me a whining bitch. I've never in my life been called a whining bitch and a loser."

She went on to state that Bragman said she was "too old" to do cover shoots, and that he wasn't there when she needed him.

"Howard Bragman, he did some disgusting behavior. I had to go to Jimmy Kimmel with no publicist there. I go on with no publicist there and I pay this man."

Paula went on to tell the publicists that she's "been going through a difficult time" and explained to them her medical problems with Addison's Disease.

So what does Bragman have to say for himself?

"I'm not going into it. I'll stand by my reputation if she'll stand by hers."

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