Call of Duty: Black Ops – Trailer Release Date during NBA Finals

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Trailer Release Date during NBA Finals

When Call of Duty Black Ops has been announced a couple of weeks ago, we haven’t seen much because Treyarch and Activision didn’t give us too much in that teaser trailer. Well, both companies have released the first full Call of Duty Black Ops trailer and you can watch it at the end of the post so scroll down if you cannot wait any longer.

The Call of Duty Black Ops world premiere occurred during the NBA finals and I honestly have to say a few things about the trailer. First of all, the graphics don’t look as good as they were in Modern Warfare 2, but they are still decent and they will definitely get better. I don’t deny the fact that this is just a preview or that I might not see that well.

However the good thing is that we’re going to get more action than in Modern Warfare 2. But then again, this is just the first trailer and things might change along the way. Check out the trailer.....

Also remember that the Call of Duty Black Ops release date is November 9th, 2010 and that you can pre-order it at Amazon right here with free shipping for all platforms.