Rakht Charitra a Bloody History is a two-part Indian biographical film based on the life of Paritala Ravindra, directed by Ram Gopal Varma. The film features Vivek Oberoi as Ravindra, and Surya as Suri, appearing predominantly in the second part. Shatrughan Sinha, Abhimanyu Singh, Kota Srinivasa Rao, Sushant Singh, Priyamani and Radhika Apte play other supporting roles. The film was shot simultaneously in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil, with the two parts releasing three weeks apart while the Tamil version will release as a single part.
RAKTA CHARITRA 2 CREW Director: Ram Gopal Varma Producer: Madhu Mantena, Sheetal Vinod Talwar Music Director: Mani Sharma | RAKTA CHARITRA 2 CAST Vivek Oberoi as Paritala Ravi Surya Sivakumar as Maddelacheruvu Suri Shatrughan Sinha as NTR Radhika Apte as Paritala Sunita Priyamani Sudeep as Mohan Panday(DCP) |
RGV was so fascinated by the story which has all the elements like pride, ego and politics that he realised that it was a story that couldn't be said in just two and a half hours. He then decided to make it a movie in two parts where in the first part majorly focuses on the Rise of Paritala Ravi and the second part where Suri causes the fall of Ravi.
The film is based on the life of Paritala Ravindra, a factionist and political leader from Andhra Pradesh who was assassinated by his rivals in 2005.