Movies Hits Screen in 2010

Movies Hits Screen in  2010

I am so behind on movies of 2009....

I always prefer to read the book first and with so many books turned movies this year (Angels & Demons, My Sister's Keeper, Lovely Bones, etc.) I haven't been able to keep up. I've done next to know reading or movie watching (hey - I have been preoccupied, with, you know - OTHER things... LOL... like Twilight things... and Music things... and this BLOG things!!!)

Anyhow, 2010 is coming and I plan to get as caught up as I can over the Holidays with 2009 movies in preparation for 2010 - a year in which I plan to STAY ON TOP OF THINGS!!! Mainly, new books, movies and shows I am interested in....

I remember posting about the most anticipated Summer Movies of 2010, however, there are so many movies coming out before the summer I am just so excited.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 7

The journey to find the remaining Horcruxes. Love that it will be two movies, only because, I cried when the books were over... so prolonging the inevitable seems to work for me...Plus the trailer preview gives me goosebumps

Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton directs... and if that isn't enough... an all-star cast including Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. (Also stars Mia Wasikowska, Michael Sheen, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Crispin Glover, Christopher Lee) You must see the trailer here

Iron Man 2

Loved the 1st one, trailer looks bad-ass...& you have to see this trailer.

Dear John

As if Channing Tatum weren't enough (ok he is - 'nuff said) wanna know more? (wait, wait it will comes)

Valentines Day

All-Star Cast, Romantic Comedy.... why not? & Trailer had me hooked

Robin Hood

Ridley Scott directs Russel Crowe (Robin Hood) and Cate Blanchett (Maid Marian) sounds like a recipe for a good movie no?

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

I didn't want to see this but Jake Gyllenhaal is hot and funny and it's a video game and my husband likes video games soooo I will maybe check it out.

Sex and the City 2

Imma chick... I think I will lose my vag-card if I don't get giddy about this.

The A-Team

I love the 80s, I loved A-Team, I love Bradley Cooper, it was filmed here... 'nuff said.

The Runaways

I think the tole of Joan Jett is so ideal for Kristen Stewart I can't wait to see it!

Nightmare on Elm Street

Loved the movies as a kid, Kellan has a role, the trailer looks will be hard to get past the new "Freddy" voice though

Jonah Hex

I don't know if this will be good. It's late 1800s, a Wild West bounty hunter tracks a voodoo practitioner bent on raising an army of Confederate zombies.... zombies are cool.... 1800s can be cool... It has Megan Fox in it but as Jennifer's Body proved, the hottie doesn't neccessarily = good movies/box office sales, however, Josh Brolin might... he rocked in No Country for Old Men and W.

Toy Story 3

Pixar Rocks and Imma Mom so - yes!

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Nothing to say here... if you read my blog, you already know the zillion reasons I will see this multiple times.

The Last Airbender

Based on the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, the story takes place in a world divided into the Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Nations. A young “airbender” named Aang must stop the Fire Nation from taking over.

M. Night Shyamalan rocks, Jackson Rathbone is in it.... Dev Patel (Slumdog Millioaire) is also in it... deffo must check out!

Little Fockers

I love the series...

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Love the books and was worried this wouldn't be made after Disney dropped the franchise as a result of poor box office sales with The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Coed Mag says: Luckily, Fox picked it up and moved the release date from early summer back to Christmas. The twelve-year-olds inside of us loved the first two Narnia movies, and the gaping hole left by The Lord of the Rings is still almost too much for us to bear, so we’re looking forward to another big-budget epic fantasy fix.

The Three Stooges

Larry, Curly, and Moe, played by Jim Carrey, Sean Penn, Benicio Del Toro... sounds interesting.Writer/directors the Farrelly brothers are making a new Three Stooges adventure.

A Couple of Dicks

A comedy about two cops who try to locate a stolen baseball card and rescue a kidnapped woman... boring... but with director Kevin Smith casting Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Seann William Scott, Adam Brody, Kevin Pollak and more... I feel like it will be pretty hilarious... PLUS this is the first movie Kevin Smith hasn't written but is directing - so - it must have some awesome potential (or he has writer's block and needs something to fill his time?) Who knows - I will go see it though! I love Kevin Smith!

The Book of Eli

A man fights his way across post-apocalyptic America in order to protect a book that holds the secret to saving humankind.... hmmm... Denzel Washington is in it, surely he wouldn't sign on to a crappy movie would he ?

Date Night

With Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Leighton Meester, Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Mark Ruffalo, James Franco, Taraji P. Henson, Common, Kristen Wiig... I think no matter what I am obliged to check this movie out.

There are many more but for now - - - let's just wait for the release dates of these ones....