Miley Cyrus' Private Part Almost Exposed In Toronto!
Oops, I thought Miley Cyrus is a very careful human being! After her scandal with Perez Hilton erupted, I think this one will go on top of the buzzes too.

while searching on the net our team find some more images of Miley Cyrus wich is near to just Perez Hilton posted photoes but it is not much that . . . . . . . .
Miley Cyrus performed at the 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto June 20, 2010. But that's not the big issue here, the 17 year-old underaged girl who plays the role of Disney's popular character 'Hannah Montana' almost exposed her private part!
Miley Cyrus performed at the 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto June 20, 2010. But that's not the big issue here, the 17 year-old underaged girl who plays the role of Disney's popular character 'Hannah Montana' almost exposed her private part!
Warning, next photo might be offensive to some!
Wearing a white sexy outfit, Miley dances while performing her song 'Can't Be Tamed'. Accidentally, a cameraman almost captured her private part.

Girl, next time, be more careful!