Pamela Anderson Hot New PETA Ad Banned
Pamela Anderson Hot New PETA Ad Banned in Canada
(click image 2 EnlargE)
Pamela Anderson new PETA Ad, which says,”All Animals Have the Same Parts, Go Vegetarian” is banned in Canada as the officials in the country feel that it is some how “SEXIST AD.” Obviously Anderson was disappointed.
Pam told media,
Pamela Anderson Hot New PETA Ad Banned in Canada
(click image 2 EnlargE)
Pamela Anderson new PETA Ad, which says,”All Animals Have the Same Parts, Go Vegetarian” is banned in Canada as the officials in the country feel that it is some how “SEXIST AD.” Obviously Anderson was disappointed.
Pam told media,
“In a city that is known for its exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy, how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in a political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens. In some parts of the world, women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burqas-is that next? I didn’t think that Canada would be so puritanical.”
While Montreal film commissioner Daniel Bissonnette said,”It is not so much controversial, as it goes against all principles public organizations are fighting for in the everlasting battle of equality between men and women.”
PETA will always come up with some controversial ads that will somehow get banned in some countries. Tell us if it’s justified banning this PETA Ad ???