Miss Universe Gose topl ess images | Miss Universe b are dare controversy pics

Miss Universe Gose topl ess images | Miss Universe b are dare controversy pics

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LaToya Woods, Miss Trinidad & Tobago 2010, posed topless for a photoshoot. Apparently, the contestants were given a option to go t0pless or pose in a bikini. Miss Trinidad & Tobago told the media that she felt liberated and artistic during the shoot.
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Rima Fakih, Miss USA 2010, also posed topless with her back to the camera for the photoshoot. Miss USA said that she had anticipated that there would be a controversy when she decided to pose t0pless. She told Access Hollywood, "I told them I feel comfortable with beauty and with being unique. I'm known to stand out and always wanting to do something different."

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Maiko Itai, Miss Japan 2010, also decided to pose hot - t0pless for the photoshoot.