Prince William and Kate Middleton royal wedding plates

With the Royals banning tacky wedding mementoes for Kate and William's big day, a company has launched a hilarious alternative range of souvenir wedding plates.
A Buckingham Palace directive has said items such as tea towels will not get the official seal of approval and others must be "in good taste". So London-based firm KK Outlet have decided to sell crockery with tongue-in-cheek slogans.
One reads: "Thanks for the free day off. HRH Prince William & Kate Middleton's 4 day bender".
Another features a quirky wedding list by Kate that asks for gifts such as a toaster and Oxfordshire.
Referencing the couple's pet names for each other one plate reads: "Big William loves Babykins", another sees the couple dressed up as Pearly kings and queens with the motto "a right royal knees up".
There is even a cheap paper plate to tie in with the hand-written slogan "Royal wedding in an age of austerity".
KK Outlet spokeswoman Danielle Pender explains: "Every royal wedding from Fergie and Andy to Charles and Diana comes with its own peculiar side-business - memorabilia...
The company enlisted the help of talented artists to create the plates due on sale at KK Outlet's store in Hoxton Square in the lead-up to the April 2011 wedding.
A Buckingham Palace directive has said items such as tea towels will not get the official seal of approval and others must be "in good taste". So London-based firm KK Outlet have decided to sell crockery with tongue-in-cheek slogans.
One reads: "Thanks for the free day off. HRH Prince William & Kate Middleton's 4 day bender".
Another features a quirky wedding list by Kate that asks for gifts such as a toaster and Oxfordshire.
Referencing the couple's pet names for each other one plate reads: "Big William loves Babykins", another sees the couple dressed up as Pearly kings and queens with the motto "a right royal knees up".
There is even a cheap paper plate to tie in with the hand-written slogan "Royal wedding in an age of austerity".
KK Outlet spokeswoman Danielle Pender explains: "Every royal wedding from Fergie and Andy to Charles and Diana comes with its own peculiar side-business - memorabilia...
The company enlisted the help of talented artists to create the plates due on sale at KK Outlet's store in Hoxton Square in the lead-up to the April 2011 wedding.
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