Amitabh Bachchan blog | Amitabh Bachchan Jet Ski RideAmitabh Bachchn says on his blog, there is a certain joy, an elation when family sits and bonds together. And so what started in Goa continued forward in Mumbai. But communication is of a different kind these days. Seven of us in one room, chatting and exchanging views and ideas and talk … but everyone with their iPad or iPhone or BB … ha ha ha … really funny !

We are all there in thought and mind, but also present in our respective cyber world too. Our thinking process has become multifaceted. And in the case of the younger generation triple multifaceted. The young man Agastya, will be playing his PsP and fretting over how he is being beaten by the machine, be teaching his Nana what button he must press to get his iPad in order, tell his Mother what troubles his stomach, munch what his Nani is stuffing down his throat and tease his sister over a song that she beats out from her ’square tablet’, all this while he watches Imran romance Sonam on ‘I hate love stories’ over the dvd on the large Tv screen !! Incredible !

For the young this is normal existence. For the elder it is paranormal obsessive insanity. For me it is a joy of a lifetime. The young are not so young anymore and the elder needs to get tuned or get out. And he is quite a guy. Was up early banging on my door in the bedroom and wishing to see the papers to check if his picture on the jet ski had been on print .. ha ha . And when he did, that smile that followed, was impossible to recreate. In some where he was wearing his swim glasses over his eyes, the appreciation dipped … he is quite a star is he not !! Ha !

After the crowd and media attention the previous day, we decided to get him on the golf course to smack a few white balls. And I tell you he was a pro. Perfect stance, smooth fluid swing and the whack and follow through straight out of a golf manual ! I have told his Mother to get him back on the greens. There is a pretty smart golfer waiting to be discovered. And … he has an answer or suggestion for everything. A cough in the making and in all sincerity he will tell you a remedy - ‘take some hot water in a glass, put some salt in it and then gargle it out. Do it morning and evening, Nana and you see it will improve your condition’, he mutters while negotiating his PsP and without lifting his head up. Nonchalant and almost non communicative !!

Children ! What would we do without them !!

Vidya Balan called us over to the screening of their latest offering ‘ No one killed Jessica’, a strong film based on the real life incident of the Jessica Lal murder in a club in Delhi and the legal and police to and froms, before her family got justice, by punishing the killer, the son of a renowned and powerful politician. Pertinent, media friendly and brave effort by the makers. The performances living up to the title and story of the film.
Meeting Rani after so long was a joy. And Vidya is just so graceful always. My best wishes to them all for the film. It has been creating quite a buzz.