Britney Spears' Stanky Stench

Britney Spears said on Jay Leno once that she hated her feet.

She said her big toe is "huge and stupid." She has also admitted to biting her nails..and toenails.
You have probably heard this already, and for some reason people have been shocked by this.
Recently Britney was aboard a plane travelling in first class no doubt, when she decided to take her shoes off. Numerous passengers complained about the smell shortly afterwards and a stewardess had to ask Mrs. What's-His-Name to please put her shoes back on. Britney responded by telling the flight attendant that the shoes "..are so comfortable! But they always make my feet smell!" Then she politely put them back on those ripe flounders. You'd think she could afford a decent pair of shoes! If her shoes stunk to high hell to start with then why the fuck didn't she leave them on during a flight!? Inconsiderate or just stupid?!