Janet Jackson, More than Nipplegate

Here is Ms. Nipplegate herself, enjoying the rays at a pool somewhere.

(I honestly don't know where, but I am sure it is somewhere ritzy..)

We saw Janet Jackson's lame Superbowl stunt a year ago, big whoopee, but here she is au naturale & looking quite comfy in her skin.

Speaking of the Superbowl, what the fuck was going on with that Sci-Fi costume she had going on? Looks like something her fucked up brother would wear. That and the fact that her titty had that silver "I have such a badass tit" nipple wtf on it, what was she thinking?
She had it all going on...without the titty.
Janet, I'm sorry, but your little Superbowl prank was amusing for awhile but now people have realized the publicity whore you are and the fact that you really weren't that talented to begin with.
You hid fucked up marriages, at one time you hid your fat and you have continually managed to convince us all that you were the one "normal" cute little Jackson.

What have you done lately?