Thank You Readers..

..for being understanding as my family is still going through hard times. We believe my stepdad is within a week of passing. I have been spending a lot of time with him and my mom and that's where I'll be for the rest of the week. Thanks for the prayers, well wishes and emails you all have sent.

On a lighter note, it is Spicy's 34th birthday AND 3rd year Wedding Anniversary on Friday. Yes, I was married on my 31st birthday, which was 03-03-03. Mr. Spicy is taking my ass out of town this weekend to celebrate. I don't know where we are going, but I am sure it will be a great getaway. And to make things EVEN MORE complicated in our lives we sold our condo and bought a gorgeous home this past week. So we will be busy with paperwork, inspections and moving these next few weeks. It is going to be a crazy month!

Celebrity Smack will return next week. Thanks for hanging in there..again. Check out some of my 'Bitches' links on the sidebar until I return. There are some really great blogs listed there.
